Pump Enclosure Container

JP Containers offers you a sturdy, easily transportable and secure pump enclosure container as a cost effective alternative to the building of on- site pump unit housings. Pre fitted and ready to accommodate a wide range of commonly available pumping units your pump enclosure container can go to work immediately to protect vital equipment in any environment. Your pump enclosure container can be specified with all necessary ventilation heating and cooling required to offer protection in a range of temperatures and conditions. These ISO units are reliable and easy to transport and due to their robust steel construction can keep equipment safe and secure.

Through the use and re-use of a pre prepared pump enclosure containers, JP Containers gives your organisation significant opportunities to reduce costs associated with expensive time consuming on- site construction of traditional pump enclosure housings, allowing valuable labour resources to focus on the task in hand. Each unit can be customised to your requirements during pump enclosure container’s construction. With support from JP Containers throughout the manufacture you can be confident your pump enclosure container will ready to do the job from the moment it’s delivered.

Once a job is finished, being durable and easy to move, your JP Containers pump enclosure container can be ready to easily re-locate to another project with minimal delay and down time.

For a full list of specifications and applications for our pump enclosure containers contact JP Containers on 01606 272864.